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Arithmos Math Club

Arithmos (meaning "number" in Greek) is the student-led Math Club.

Arithmos is the student-run Math Club at Wheaton College for all students interested in math. Students do not have to be math majors to participate in Arithmos activities. Some of the events organized by Arithmos include:

  • Weekly Arithmos dinner. Once a week, Arithmos meets in the "Faculty" room at Anderson Commons for dinner and fellowship. Some of the math faculty often participate too.
  • Social events. Every semester, Arithmos organizes game nights, picnics, BBQs, and other social events. These events take place on campus or at the homes of the math faculty who live close to campus.
  • Training for math competitions. Members of Arithmos form teams to participate in various math competitions throughout the year. These competitions include the ACCA calculus competition and the Putnam exam (among others). Arithmos organizes weekly training sessions for students interested in participating.
  • Guest speakers. Arithmos occasionally hosts guest speakers from other universities or local businesses, to talk about various topics in mathematics or employment ideas and opportunities.

For more information, e-mail wheatonarithmosmath@gmail.com.