Update: As of June 2021, the pre-set Asian Studies IDS program of study is transitioning to the History Department, where it will be configured as an academic certificate program. For updated information, contact the facilitator of the Asian Studies certificate, Dr. Hanmee Kim.
The following text is no longer current, but is temporarily preserved for reference by students who remain in the program.
The Asian Studies POS provides an academic focus on a strategic region that is home to one-third of the world's population. Asia consists of diverse and rich cultural, religious, and intellectual traditions. Asia's dynamic economic and political institutions make it a major force today.
Asian Studies draws upon the expertise and courses relevant to Asia that are available at the College. It provides academic training for fields such as diplomatic service, education, missions, religious studies, business, international law, journalism, and history, as well as graduate school. In addition, the Asian Studies track encourages various summer programs to Asia, including the China Studies Program of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities.
The Wheaton May in Asia program also explores various Asian cultures and societies, focusing on a different part of Asia each year, such as Beijing, Bangkok, Tokyo, Hong Kong, or Singapore.
Requirements for the Asian Studies IDS are 36 hours beyond all general education requirements from the following three categories:
- Core Courses: 12 hours including RELI 212 World Religions: Asia (2)
- PHIL 316 Asian Philosophy (2), HIST 334 East Asian History (4), and other approved courses (4)
See coordinators for listing of approved courses in this category. - Electives: 20 hours selected from such courses as RELI 364, HIST 362, 363; IR 357; B EC 331, 366
See coordinator for complete listing of courses approved in this category. - IDS 494: Senior Seminar (offered only in spring)
The requirements for a minor in Asian/American Studies are 20 hours, including
- six hours of HIST 334, 341
- four or six hours from ENGL 201, IDS/CE 459 or PHIL 316
- four or six hours from RELI 212, or 492
- four or six hours from B EC 331, 366; IDS 495, HIST 362, 363