Requirements for the History/Social Science major, a teacher education concentration, are 42 hours, including 28 hours in History; four hours in Political Science (PSCI 135); four hours in Economics (Econ 211); HIST 324, Methods of Teaching History/Social Science (2 hours); HIST 325, Middle Grade History/Social Science Methods (2 hours); and two hours in Geography (GEOG 211). The 28 hours in History include the core research sequence for the major. That sequence includes:
- HIST 201, Why History, which is an introduction to the discipline of history; and
- HIST 494, Christianity and Historical Study, which is the department’s capstone seminar.
HIST 201 normally is completed during the sophomore year; and HIST 494 during the senior year.
Students who major in History/Social Science also double major in Secondary Education.