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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

How Are Faculty And Students Involved?

3 people looking at water surrounded by vegetation

Faculty Research

Dr. James Clark

Geology and Environmental Science

One of Dr. James Clark’s many sustainability related projects is developing and implementing appropriate technology geophysics techniques for the location of groundwater in developing countries.  He recently presented the paper “Affordable Geophysical Instruments for Use in Developing Nations” at the Geological Society of America.

Dr. Jeff Greenberg

Geology and Environmental Science

Dr. Jeff Greenberg is involved in various aspects of water and wastewater management in developing countries.  He recently convened and chaired a session at the Geological Society of America titled “Geosciences and International Development.” 

Dr. Raymond Lewis


Dr. Raymond Lewis is collaborating in research on wastewater treatment using algae as an oxygen source for microbes that process the wastewater. He also teaches courses applicable to the environment and sustainability such as Environmental Ethics, Economic Botany, and Plant Taxonomy.

Student Internships

Water and Sewage Treatment Endeavor (WASTE) 

“I participated in the on-campus research WASTE project which is seeking to develop a passive sewage treatment system for use in agricultural settings of developing countries. I spend many days in what is affectionately called the “poop lab” doing water quality tests and improving the technical design of our lab system (i.e. building things). Through this experience I learned A LOT about how to do quality research, why sanitation is so important, and how to work on turning an idea into reality.”

-Meagan Jackson’16

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

“During my internship, I worked for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality assisting on investigative work. I was uniquely exposed to the intersections between environmental law and governmental policy. I also received several facility tours, interfaced with regulated entities, and participated in ongoing research on water quality and indication species.”

-Jacob Biedebach’16