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Climate Change

How Are Faculty And Students Involved?


Beach with mountain in the background


Faculty Research

Dr. James Clark

Geology and Environmental Science

Dr. James Clark’s research includes computer modeling of the paleo hydrology and changing levels of the Great Lakes resulting from earth deformation still continuing after melting of the ice sheets of the last ice age. He uses a computer model of the whole earth to simulate the changing levels of the global oceans as recorded by ancient shorelines, modern tide gauges and satellite altimetry. This research provides assessment of the possible sea level consequences of global warming.


Student Internships

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA)

“I am a student fellow with YECA which advocates for the environment and for our neighbors who are affected by climate change by calling Christians to act –politically, socially, and spiritually. Through this fellowship, I have organized campus events centered around sustainability and climate change. This has been a humbling and exciting experience for me as I learn how to communicate the need for Christians to be good stewards of all of God’s creation.”

-Yuxi Zhao

Fundación San Lucas, Nicaragua

“My environmental science internship was carried out with the HNGR program. I am especially interested in the intersection between creation care and human flourishing especially in the areas of social justice, international community development, and agriculture. I worked as a food security intern for six months at Fundación San Lucas Nicaragua which was a part of the Luke Society located in Jinotepe Carazo, Nicaragua. I was apprenticed by two incredible agronomists and took part in agricultural development activities in rural communities part of marginalized, dry, tropical municipalities of La Conquista and Santa Teresa in Carazo. I researched to compare two different methods of rice cultivation, assisted with small tasks in San Lucas’s agricultural experimental center, and had the opportunity to interact with and befriend smallholder farmers as they faced crippling climate change induced drought due to El Niño. The experience was incredibly fulfilling and will hopefully lead to a future career path in international agricultural development at a local community level.”

-Kelly Wilson’16