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News and Developments

Elsemarie deVries Starts Graduate Studies At University Of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

2014 environmental science graduate Elsemarie deVries began her PhD program this fall. Elsemarie works in Dr. Laura Moore's Coastal Environmental Change Lab investigating the interactions between the different dune building processes specifically vegetation and aeolian sediment transport. The feedback between plant growth and sand deposition can help us understand on a larger scale how dunes grow and respond to storm events and rising sea levels. Their field site is on Hog Island in the Virginia Coastal Reserve, and the experiments will help improve dune building models.

Jennifer Pfaff Awarded Science Teaching Fellowship

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation is pleased to announce that Wheaton College’s Jennifer Pfaff (environmental science 2014) is among the first fifty Woodrow Wilson New Jersey Teaching Fellows announced today by Governor Chris Christie at the New Jersey State House in Trenton. The highly competitive program recruits both recent graduates and career changers with strong backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and math—the STEM fields—and prepares them specifically to teach in high-need secondary schools.