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English Major with Teaching Concentration

The English Major with Teaching Concentration (40 hours) offers students a clearly-articulated curriculum leading to state licensure in teaching English.  (Students must also declare a second major in Secondary Education in the Education Department, which is an additional 29 hours.)  The Teaching Concentration has a core of 24 hours that has been adapted to licensure requirements and common secondary education teaching experiences and includes the foundational courses (ENGL 156 Reading Writers: Shakespeare and ENGL 215 Classical and Early British Literature).  Students in this concentration will take 6 hours in American Literature (the 6 hours must include two different time periods and at least one period course from the American Lit offerings: ENGL 341, 342, 343, 381, 382, 383, 391, 392, 393) and at least 6 hours in Post-1800 British/Global Lit (ENG 271, ENGL 355, 361, 364, 365; Romanticism and Victorian are recommended).  Beyond the core, students take up a specialized curriculum that includes courses in Young Adult Literature (ENGL 328), Methods for Teaching Middle School English (ENGL 325), Methods for Teaching High School English (324), Composition Theory (ENGW 471), and Senior Seminar (ENGL 494).  Each student will be individually mentored by one of the members of the English Department who has previously taught at the secondary level.

In addition to the 40 hours in English, students must also meet specific certification requirements. See the Education Department section of the catalog for additional information.


Note: These are new requirements that will apply to incoming new majors effective Fall 2020.  Please contact us at english@wheaton.edu if you have questions.

Foundational Courses - 8 hours

ENGL 155 Reading Writers: Introduction to Literary Studies (4)
ENGL 156 Reading Writers: Introduction to Literary Studies (Shakespeare) (4)
Required for Teaching Concentration Students
Open to other major concentrations as space allows.
ENGL 215 Classic and Early British Literature (4)

Historical Framework - 12 hours

6 hours in Post-1800 British or world literature (350-370 range)
ENGL 271 History of the English Language
ENGL 355 Romantic (Recommended)
ENGL 361 Victorian (Recommended)
ENGL 364 British Modernism: 1900 to 1939
ENGL 365 British Literature after 1939
6 hours in American Literature
(The six hours must include two (2) different periods and at least (1) period course)
Period Courses
ENGL 341 American Literature: Beginnings to Romanticism (4)
ENGL 342 American Literature: Realism to Modernism (4)
ENGL 343 American Literature After 1945
Author Courses
ENGL 381 American Authors: Beginnings to Romanticism (2)
ENGL 382 American Authors: Realism to Modernism (2)
ENGL 383 American Authors after 1945 (2)
ENGL 391 American Authors: Beginnings to Romanticism (4)
ENGL 392 American Authors: Realism to Modernism (4)
ENGL 393 American Authors after 1945 (2)

Teaching Concentration - 16 Hours

Topical courses required for certification
ENGL 328           Young Adult Literature
ENGL 375 Women Writers
ENGL 379 African American Literature
Methods / Pedagogy - All three (3) courses below must be taken before student teaching.
(Note:  ENG 324 and ENG 325 are co-requisites and must be taken concurrently.)
ENG 324    Methods of Teaching High School English (2)  Offered in spring semester
ENG 325 Methods of Teaching Middle School English (2) Offered in spring semester
ENGW 471 Composition Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy (4) Offered in fall semester
Senior Seminar
ENGL 494 Senior Seminar in Literature (offered every semester)
Chris Easley ‘16

“The Teaching Concentration focuses on the intersection between interpreting texts and helping students learn. It pushes me not only to sharpen my own interpretive skills but also to help others hone theirs. In my practica at local middle schools, I've begun to help students see how their "real life" experiences relate to the stories and other texts they read. I've begun to help them express what they see in writing. It's been a joy to see students experiencing the treasures of literature and communication. By beginning that process before I graduate, I'm better equipped for teaching in the future. I'm also confident that the Teaching Concentration has helped me prepare for pastoral ministry, which so often consists of helping people find their place in the story of Jesus.”