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Remembering Brett Foster and Roger Lundin

During the second week of November 2015, the Wheaton College English Department lost two dearly loved professors. Our grief lingers. Our help comes from the Lord. Our hope is in the resurrection of Christ.

General Content Variant

English Faculty Brett Foster
Dr. Brett Foster (1973-2015)

Dr. Brett Foster was Professor of English and Wheaton's Poet in Residence. Dr. Foster was a good, true friend to his students and colleagues on campus, and his exceptional poems will be a lasting treasure for all who read them, both inside and outside the church.

English Professor Roger Lundin
Dr. Roger Lundin (1949-2015)

Roger Lundin was Professor of English and Arthur F. Holmes Professor of Faith and Learning. Through his scholarship, teaching, and friendship, Roger Lundin has been a spiritual and intellectual leader at Wheaton College and for Christian higher education.