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Books by Faculty

Learn more about the books that have been published recently by Wheaton College English Department faculty authors.

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Forgiveness in Victorian Literature by Richard Hughes Gibson
Forgiveness in Victorian Literature: Grammar, Narrative, and Community

Richard Gibson examines how eminent writers such as Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, and Oscar Wilde wrestled with the religious and social meanings of forgiveness in an age of theological controversy and increasing pluralism in ethical matters.

The Future of the Word by Tiffany Eberle Kriner
The Future of the Word: An Eschatology of Reading - Kriner

Tiffany Eberle Kriner argues texts have futures in the kingdom of God and that readers can cultivate those futures in the love of the Trinity. 

Magical Realism by Kim Sasser
Magical Realism and Cosmopolitanism: Strategizing Belonging - Sasser

For years, critics have been proclaiming that magical realism is dead. Dr. Kim Sasser contends that magical realism still has much to offer contemporary readers, critics, and authors.

What cannot be fixed by Jill Pelaez Baumgaertner
What Cannot Be Fixed - Baumgaertner

Jill Peláez Baumgaertner anchors this book of poetry in the terrain of the broken world and in living the paradox of being both justified and a sinner. 

Beginning with the Word by Roger Lundin
Beginning with the Word: Modern Literature and the Question of Belief - Lundin

Roger Lundin conducts a sustained theological dialogue with imaginative literature and with modern literary and cultural theory, utilizing works of both poetry and fiction. 

prophets of the posthuman
Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of Personhood - Lake

Christina Bieber Lake reexamines fictional narratives by authors from Hawthorne to Morrison in light of their contributions to larger ethical questions of what it means to be human in the face of bio-enhancement technologies. 

Christ across the disciplines
Christ Across the Disciplines: Past, Present, Future - Lundin

Roger Lundin and a group of distinguished scholars from across the theological spectrum explore the dynamic relationship between the Christian faith and the life of the mind. 

Remaking Transitional Justice in the United States by James Edward Beitler III
Remaking Transitional Justice in the United States: The Rhetorical Authorization of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Beitler

James Beitler demonstrates that the field of transitional justice has given rise to a transnational rhetorical tradition that provides practitioners with resources to act in their own particular contexts.