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English Department Courses

For a complete description of courses offered, please reference the College Catalog >.

General Education Literature Courses

ENGL 102 Modern Western Literature
ENGL 111 Studies in Western Literature (LE)
ENGL 115 Global Literature (LE)
ENGL 202 Topics in Literary Explorations and Global Perspectives

General Education Writing Courses

ENGL 103 Composition and Research (4 hours)
ENGL 104 Composition and Research (2 hours)

Required Core Courses

ENGL 155 Introduction to Literary Studies (LE)
ENGL 156 Introduction to Literary Studies: Shakespeare (LE)
ENGL 215 Classical and Early British Literature
ENGL 494 Senior Seminar
(Literature and Teaching Concentration Majors)
ENGW 494 Senior Seminar in Writing
(Writing Concentration Majors)

Period Courses

ENGL 331 Medieval Literature 
ENGL 336 The English Renaissance
ENGL 337 Seventeenth-Century English Literature
ENGL 338 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
ENGL 341 American Literature: Beginnings through Romanticism
ENGL 342 American Literature: Realism to Modernism
ENGL 343 American Literature after 1945
ENGL 355 The Romantic Period
ENGL 361 Victorian Literature
ENGL 364 British Modernism: 1900 - 1939
ENGL 365 British Literature after 1939
ENGL 371 Modern European Literature
ENGL 381 American Authors: Beginnings through Romanticism 
(2 hour parallel to ENGL 341)
ENGL 382 American Authors: Realism to Modernism
(2 hour parallel to ENGL 342)
ENGL 383 American Authors After 1945
(2 hour parallel to ENGL 343)
ENGL 391 American Authors: Beginnings through Romanticism
(4 hour parallel to ENGL 341)
ENGL 392 American Authors: Realism to Modernism
(4 hour parallel to ENGL 342)
ENGL 393 American Authors After 1945
(4 hour parallel to ENGL 343)

Figure Courses

ENGL 384 Shakespeare
ENGL 385 Selected Authors (2)
ENGL 386 Selected Authors (4)
ENGL 387 C. S. Lewis
ENGL 388 Jane Austen in Her Time and Ours

Special Topics

ENGL 202  Topics in Literary Explorations and Global Perspectives 
ENGL 271  History of the English Language
ENGL 285  Topics in Global Literature 
ENGL 373 Literature of the Bible
ENGL 375 Women Writers
ENGL 378 Studies in Literary Genre
ENGL 379 African-American Literature
ENGL 431 Christianity and Fantasy
ENGL 433 Varied Literary Topics (2 or 4 )
ENGL 434 Modern Literary Theory
ENGL 435 History of Literary Criticism
ENGL 485 Studies in Wade Center/Special Collections Authors (2)
ENGL 486 Studies in Wade Center/Special Collections Authors (4)
ENGL 495 Independent Study in Literature
ENGL 496 Literature Internship (requires Departmental approval)

Writing Courses

ENGW 213    Creative Writing
ENGW 214 Rhetorical Writing
ENGW 332 Creative Non-Fiction
ENGW 333 Writing for Social Change
ENGW 335 Poetry Writing and Criticism
ENGW 336 Fiction Writing and Criticism
ENGW 444 Special Topics in Writing
ENGW 471 Composition Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy
ENGW 495 Writing Projects or Independent Study in Writing (1-4)
ENGW 496 Writing Internships (requires Departmental approval. Graded Pass/Fail (1-4)

English Education Courses

ENG 324 Methods of Teaching High School English
ENG 325 Methods of Teaching Middle School English
ENGL 328 Young Adult Literature

Honors Thesis

ENG 499 Honors Thesis