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English Department Activities and Opportunities


Internships give English majors an opportunity to integrate actual work experience with academic learning.  More >

Student Publications

The College publishes a weekly newspaper, a yearbook, and a literary magazine. Editors for these publications are chosen from among the student body and receive stipends for their work. Many positions are open on all of these publications, and English majors have made strong contributions in the past. The literary magazine,Kodon, regularly welcomes submissions of original work in poetry, fiction, and art.

CCCU Study Abroad Programs 

The department encourages qualified majors to consider a semester abroad through the Scholar's Semester in Oxford program sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). Information from various study abroad programs is available in the Global and Experiential Learning Department at Wheaton College.  Interested students may also visit the Best Semester website at www.bestsemester.com.

Writing Contests

The English Department sponsors on-campus writing contests during the year—the Lowell-Grabill Creative Writing Contest and the Jameson Essay Writing Contests.  More >

Shakespeare in the Park Event

Majors, minors, and fellow readers of all sorts, get thee to SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARKThe English Department is convening a fall kick-off gathering this year at opening night of Shakespeare in the Park, the beloved community outdoor show held at Memorial Park in Wheaton. More details here: Shakespeare in the Park Event

Study Abroad

Hear about how English major Anna Li used poetry for social justice during her recent HNGR internship in the Phillipines.

Meet English Major Anna Tipton

Anna Tipton studied abroad Spring 2014 at Oxford University through SCIO’s Scholar’s Semester in Oxford. Here are her thoughts on the opportunity.