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Illinois History and Government


This web site is designed to both assist social studies teacher candidates as they prepare for certification testing and to provide professional educators with access to websites that may enhance their ability to teach their students about Illinois history and government.


This site has been prepared with two objects in mind: 1) to help elementary and secondary education candidates prepare for the Illinois Teacher Certification Test, and 2) to provide teaching resources for professional elementary and secondary teachers who are engaged in teaching about Illinois history and government. 

The index page for each portal will provide you with access to all the relevant resources on this site. The resources for certification candidates are organized on the basis of the ISBE standards created for each test. These define what the competent social science teacher in Illinois understands and is able to do. Questions on the teacher certification test are based on these standards. Wheaton College students who wish to satisfy a pass/fail requirement for graduation are instructed to complete the assessment and submit answers as directed.

The sites for professional educators are organized in two categories: elementary grades 1-6, and secondary grades 7-12. Within each category educators have access to 1) lesson plans, 2) Internet sites & WebQuests, and 3) Intranet & local resources. We hope that these resources will facilitate more effective teaching about Illinois and its unique history. Wheaton College welcomes suggestions as to additions that could make this resource more useful.

Teacher Candidate: Elementary (Certificate 110)       New Social Studies Standards require the revision of this section of the website-

Teacher Candidate: Secondary (Certificate 114)

This site is a joint effort of the History Department and the Education Department of Wheaton College. Any helpful suggestions are welcome. Contact: Karen.Johnson@Wheaton.edu