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Middle Grade Math

Middle Grade Math

Any teacher candidate applying for an initial IL teaching license and seeking a subsequent middle grade mathematics endorsement to be added to an elementary or secondary/high school initial Professional Educator License will need to meet Illinois middle grade mathematics requirements of

  • 18 semester hours, including the 2-hour MATH 325 methods course
  • Pass the middle level mathematics content exam

Any mathematics course counted toward the middle grade endorsement must have a final grade of C- or higher.

Required for Math and Secondary Education Majors

  • Complete mathematics major and secondary education major, including MATH 324 Theories and Methods of Teaching High School Mathematics and MATH 325 Theories and Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics

Required for Elementary Majors (10 hrs.)

  • Mathematics courses toward general education (4 hrs. required toward CatC’s AAQR tag):
    • MATH 107 Finite Mathematics (4 hrs.)
      MATH 263 Introduction to Statistics (4 hrs.)
  • MATH 125 Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School (4 hrs. for elementary education majors) Offered only in fall semester, must be taken prior to EDUC 315 and only required for Elementary education majors seeking the middle grade math endorsement
  • MATH 325 Theories and Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics (2 hrs.) Offered spring semester of junior or senior year

Additional Course Options (8 hrs)

Select hours from the following areas:

  • MATH 263 Introduction to Statistics (4 hrs., if not taken as CatC’s AAQR tag)**
  • Calculus (MATH 231- 4 hrs.; MATH 232-4 hrs.); [Math 233, 234 if granted as AP Credit]**
  • Modern Algebra or Number Theory or Linear Algebra
  • Geometry (MATH 362- 4 hrs)**
  • Discrete Mathematics (MATH 243- 4 hrs.)**
  • MATH 301 Introduction to Upper-Level Mathematics
  • MATH 333 Differential Equations
    ** Recommended, due to middle grade math content

Practica Options

  • Students who already know by sophomore year that they are majoring in Mathematics and Secondary Education or are getting the Middle School Mathematics Endorsement should be placed in a middle school for their 225L practicum.
  • If not placed in a middle school for 225L, students have the option of taking the Middle Grade Practicum 405L/507L or of student teaching in a middle school to fulfill the requirements of the middle grade endorsement.