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Bilingual Education Endorsement

The bilingual education endorsement prepares you to teach in English and your additional language in a range of contexts: traditional bilingual education, dual language, and heritage language programs. The program takes a biliteracy approach for all instructional contexts.

The bilingual endorsement also meets all requirements for the ESL endorsement, so students are also prepared to be ESL specialists and general classroom teachers in multilingual contexts.

Requirements for the Bilingual Endorsement:

  • Requires 18 credit hours of coursework in five areas
  • Must complete 100 practicum hours with bilingual students
  • Demonstrate proficiency in additional language

Language Proficiency
All candiates must show proficiency in their target language. You can demonstrate language proficiency through passing the IL state proficiency test or through documentation that you have received either the IL Seal of Biliteracy or the Global Seal of Biliteracy. The bilingual endorsement can be earned in 39 different languages. See the Illinois State Board of Education testing page for a complete list of languages. Individuals will meet with Dr. Vroom Fick to determine the best pathway to demonstrate their language proficiency.

Hannah Dettmer"The bilingual endorsement was amazing because it allowed me to combine the two things I am most passionate about: languages and teaching! Now I can serve the Lord by being an advocate for students; someone who affirms for them daily that their language and cultures are worth remembering, celebrating and sharing." 

Hannah Dettmer, '21
Kindergarten Dual Language teacher in Carol Stream, Illinois, Master of Arts in Teaching in Spanish with Elementary Education

Required Courses

  • LING 224 Theoretical Foundations of Language Acquisition
  • LING 227 Cross-Cultural Teaching/Learning
  • LING 323 Bilingual Methods
  • LING 323L Bilingual Practicum*
  • LING 325 Principles of Assessment for TESOL
  • LING 326 EL Content Methods
  • LING 328 EL Methods for Specialists
  • LING 328L ESL Practicum
  • LING 331 Introduction to Linguistics

*Spanish speakers complete concurrently with student teaching in a bilingual classroom. All other languages determine best pathway in consultation with Dr. Vroom Fick

See the recommended sequence for scheduling here