Why Study Education at Wheaton?
“Preparing Educators who teach and lead for human flourishing”
The Wheaton Teacher Education Program (WheTEP) is a dynamic, experience-oriented program based on the liberal arts and a Christian worldview. Through courses taught by passionate faculty and hands-on experiences with PK-12 students, Education majors will be prepared to teach and lead for human flourishing. Graduates finish the program with a degree in Education and an initial Illinois Professional Educator License.
Illinois Teacher Licensure Programs
Core Courses required for all teacher licenses
Full-Time faculty
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By the numbers*
Employment rate within 8 months of graduation: 97%
Graduates working in education: 90%
Teachers in full-time positions: 96%
Wheaton prepared me for my job by having the attitude of life-long learning. Never being afraid to try something new and adopting the posture of life-long learning in front of my students has not only increased my student’s learning but also taught them that learning is a life-long journey, something they will take with them when they leave my classroom.— McKenna Fitzharris, '14, 1st grade teacher in Prattville, Alabama, Elementary Education, ESL
*All data is based on the 2020-2021 WheTEP alumni survey. For complete data, see the graduate survey data
States Reciprocity
We have curated a list of information about the reciprocity agreements regarding teachers that all the other states have with the state of Illinois.