October 3, 2018: The British are Coming! The Wheaton College Debate Team joins forces with the 2018 British National Team to debate theVirtues and Vices of Social Media.
Wheaton College has a history of participating in both regional and national competitions. This year's selection is:
Fall Semester Tournaments
Sept. 22: The Hollatz Debates: hosted by Wheaton College
Sept. 30: The Rambler Scrimmage: hosted by Loyola University
Oct. 27: Midwest Debate Association Fall Tournament: hosted by Oakton Community College
Spring Semester Tournaments:
Jan. 19: Midwest Debate Association Spring Tournament: hosted by the University of Chicago
Feb. 23-24: The Rambler V: hosted by Loyola University
April 12-15: United States Universities Debating Championship (USUDC): hosted by Clemson University
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Wheaton, IL 60187
630.752.5095 communication@wheaton.edu