Chicago Connections
The excellent museums of Chicago, bustling gallery district, and connections with local artists provide a wonderful enrichment to the Art Department curriculum. More >
Urban Studies
The Urban Studies program offers Wheaton in Chicago, an opportunity to live and experience an Internship through involvement with any one of a number of artistic activities in the city for an entire semester. More >
Orvieto, Italy
The Orvieto Semester is an art-focused program of Gordon College situated in Orvieto, Italy. At Orvieto students study the Italian Renaissance as a resource for contemporary thinking about art and culture. More >
HNGR-Human Needs and Global Resources
Art students are encouraged to consider HNGR if their creative and artistic interests might lead them to involvement in the Third World. More>
CIVA: Christians in the Visual Arts
The premier visual arts organization connecting the artist, the Church, and culture. More>