Lilianna Quiroa-CrowellVisiting Assistant Lecturer in Urban Studies and Anthropology
On Faculty since 2020
Ph.D. student Graduate Center, City University of New York (anticipated 2023)
Cultural Anthropology
M.A Graduate Center, City University of New York (June 2020)
Cultural Anthropology
B.A. Wheaton College, magna cum laude (2012)
2020 American Ethnological Society Student Diversity Travel Grant ** Canceled due to COVID-19
2019 Early Research Initiative Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies, Graduate Center, CUNY
2019 Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (CLACS) Summer Travel Fellowship, Graduate Center, CUNY
2018 Doctoral Student Research Grant
2016-current Graduate Center Fellowship, Graduate Center, CUNY
2016-current Provost Enhancement Fellow, Graduate Center CUNY
2016-current Summer Fellowship, Graduate Center CUNY
2020 Paper Titled: “The Blocking of Puerto Barrios: Urban Protest and Infrastructure in Guatemala.” Protest and Activism. 1st Central American Studies Conference, University of California, Irving (UCI). April 16th-17th
***Canceled due to COVID-19
2020 Paper Titled: “The Border of Bananaland: The ‘everyday’ making of Puerto Barrios, Guatemala.” Borders & Bridges Conference American Ethnological Society/Association for Political and Legal Anthropology. Austin, March 26-28
*** Canceled due to COVID-19
2019 Paper Titled: “‘The Banana Planter’s Bride’: Tracing the Role and Resistance of Women in the United Fruit Company Archives.” Early Research and Scholarship Conference, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. New York, August 29
2019 Paper Titled: “'Mujeres Mal-criadas’: reclaiming citizenship amongKekchi women”. Contemporary Issues in Guatemala: New Spaces, Strategies and Denials of Citizenship. Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion. Latin American Studies Association. Boston, May 24-27
2019 Paper Titled: “A Violent Interlude: Produc(ing) Banana Plantations and Human Rights in the Guatemalan Caribbean.” Historical Perspectives. Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Conference. The City College of New York. March 13-15
2018 Paper titled: “Raciolinguistic Ideologies in the Maya Marketplace.” 2nd Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America. ILCLA/STLILLA. The Ohio State University. October 25-28.
2017 Paper titled: “(Re)Considering Guatemala’s Occluded Revolution.” Precarity, Power and Unrecognizable Lives in the Americas. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 30- Dec 3.
2017 Paper title: “(Re)Considering Guatemala’s Occluded Revolution.” Borders: On Boundaries, Barriers & Transgressions in Anthropology. University of Colorado Boulder Graduate Conference, September 29-3.
2019 Location(s): Alta Verapaz, Guatemala City, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. Summer
Topic: Internal migration patterns of Q’eqchi’ community (Alta
Verapaz to Puerto Barrios). Archival work. Interviews.
Participant-Observation of regional grassroot organizing and Q’eqchi’ women groups Q’eqchi’ language acquisition.
2019 Location(s): Guatemala City, Guatemala. January.
Topic: Intensive Q’eqchi’ course with a Maya language instructor at the Latinamerican Anabaptist Seminary (SEMILLA)
Central American Study and Service (CASAS) program.
Archival work at Guatemala’s national library and archives
2018 Location(s): Puerto Barrios-Punta De Palma, Guatemala. Summer
Topic: Fieldwork. Built networks of contacts and engaged in preliminary interviews with local informants
2017 Location(s): Punta De Palma Guatemala. Summer
Topic: Exploratory regional visit. Established networks and familiarized with community
- 2019-current Guatemala Scholars Network
- 2017-current American Anthropological Association
- 2017-current Latin American Studies Association
- 2016-current American Society for Ethnohistory