Celebrating one of the most influential international Chrstian artists of our time...
"Beauty Given By Grace" Opening Reception
The Billy Graham Center Museum at Wheaton College will host a public reception to open the “Beauty Given by Grace” art exhibit. Contributors to the exhibition’s accompanying book and special guests from CIVA | Christians in the Visual Arts will offer comments on the exhibit, and will be available to sign copies of the publication and for informal conversation.
“Beauty Given by Grace”, is a brand new traveling exhibition of world-renowned, Japanese printmaker Sadao Watanabe, on display in the BGC Museum through March 24, 2013.
The exhibit’s opening reception and book signing begins Friday, October 12 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. , with a short program at 6:00. Refreshments will be provided. The events are free and open to the public and take place in the Billy Graham Center Museum. Books for signing are available for purchase. The lavish publication is filled with full-page reproductions of Watanabe’s prints as well as background essays by experts of contemporary sacred art, including Watanabe’s translator Dr. John Hesselink, artist and collector Sandra Bowden, journalist and collector John A. Kohan, and Japanese-American artist Makoto Fujimura.
“Beauty Given by Grace” is brought to the BGC in partnership with CIVA | Christians in the Visual Arts.