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Interactive Advent Meditations | December 2013

Unique Storytelling. Reflective Atmosphere. Interactive Response.

Quiet Christmas Events for the Whole Family


family enjoying Advent Meditations

Saturdays at 10am and 4pm (December 7, 14, 21)

Sundays at 4pm (December 8, 15, 22)

We're hosting a series of one hour worship events to engage the wonder and anticipation of the Advent season. These quiet activities are open to people of all ages, including families with young children. The events offer a very different approach to the celebratory, but often stressful tenor of the Christmas season. 

Originally designed by a group of experts in spiritual formation and directed by specially trained worship leaders from local churches, these intergenerational gatherings are both reflective and engaging. Join with children, students, adults, and grandparents as we all draw closer to the Child who came to lead.

Explore the Story.

Experience the unique, multi-sensory presentations from the Bible about the birth of Jesus.

Reflect in Wonder.

Respond to the story with simple arts and crafts, prayer, journaling, reading, visual arts, and materials for retelling the stories.

Be Inspired by Hope.

Go forth encouraged by the Christ Child who entered this world to deliver us from sin and death.

Events are free and open to the public. Stories in the same weekend are identical. Visit every weekend to hear all three stories. All response materials provided. No RSVP requited. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult, please.

"This was really moving for me. The slideshow images of art were powerful. And the physical objects, like the candlelight and smoke, allowed some mystery to accompany the hard theology I most often experience."
- Howard, retiree

"I loved how open-ended the response time was. And there was something for every age to engage with the story. My 6-year-old acted out the story with the wooden figures while my 10-year-old grabbed a journal and wrote down I wonder this and I wonder that."
- Amy, parent of three

"It was simple, but not childish. The story was told using different words, but it wasn’t patronizing. In fact, it made it possible for me to think about the story in new ways."
- Hanna, graduate student