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Oswald Chambers


Banners from the Rotunda of Witnesses

Oswald Chamber

Banner Quote:

If Jesus was only a teacher, then all he can do is to tantalize us by erecting a standard we cannot come anywhere near. But if we know him first as Savior by being born again from above, we know that he did not come to teach us only: he came to make us what he teaches we should be.

Although Oswald Chambers was primarily an educator, his reputation stems from a body of powerful and moving devotional literature which he left behind. The book, My Utmost For His Highest, has become a Christian classic and reflects the deep spirituality of its author.With clarity and understanding, he wrote about the transformed life of the individual who is living in submission to Christ. Seen here in an attitude of prayer over his open Bible, Chambers' figure becomes a model for all who seek to follow and love the one true God.