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John Sung

Banners from the Rotunda of Witnesses

John SungBanner Quote:

Are your hands clean for the work? Do you know the power of the Holy Ghost in your lives? Call on God for it!

The son of a Chinese pastor, John Sung earned a PhD in chemistry at Ohio State University and then began theological studies in New York. In February 1927, Sung had a transforming experience in which, “The Holy Spirit poured onto me wave after wave.” He returned to China six months later and began church ministry in the Methodist church. Within a few years he became a traveling evangelist, preaching true repentance and total commitment to Jesus Christ as he crisscrossed China and East Asia, as is depicted here by the Great Wall of China that traverses over five thousand miles. Sung wore traditional Chinese dress and carried a worn leather briefcase as he traveled. Through John Sung’s sometimes eccentric illustrations and enthusiastic preaching, many in China and Southeast Asia were converted, and many others became totally consecrated to Christ.